Notes feature on iPad- Here’s how you can share, save and print your notes

Note App on iPad

You must be often using Notes feature or App on your iPad to pen down your thoughts or to create things to do list or your creative drawing. You can share your note if you wish with your friends or contacts or save your drawings or print your thoughts with the help of your iPad.

Sharing  notes on iPad

As a first step Launch Notes from your iPad Home screen.

Tap on the note you wish to open.

Notes App

Then tap on the share button. It’s on the top right corner of your screen.

Tap on where you wish to share your note like Facebook, Mail or Twitter.

Note App

Saving notes on iPad

Suppose you wish to save a photo or a sketch on your note then you can easily save it to your camera roll.

Launch Notes from your Home screen.

Then tap on the note you wish to open.

Now tap on the share button. It’s on the top right corner of your screen.

Finally tap on save image.

Printing notes on iPad

If you want to print a note you can do it with just a few taps; however, you need to make sure your printer is compatible with AirPrint. Suppose you have a photo or a sketch in a note, you can easily save it to your camera roll.

First Launch Notes from your Home screen.

Then tap on the note you wish to open.

Now tap on the share button. It’s on the top right corner of your screen.

Finally tap on Print.

Also tap on to select printer.

Tap on the printer you want to use.

Then tap Print.

Note App

You can also choose how many copies you want to print and adjust certain printing options, depending on your printer.

AirDrop notes on iPad

Launch Notes from your Home screen.

Now tap on the note you wish to open.

Then tap on the share button. It’s on the top right corner of your screen.

Now tap on the AirDrop option you want share the note with.